Research and development
We are scientists and see ourselves as your service provider and co-operation partner. Do you have an exciting project or an important issue in product development or production? We are there!
We pursue our own research projects in various subject areas:
- Origin analyses and characterisation of (in)organic raw materials
- Inorganic pollutant analyses within production chains
- Provenance analyses of (archaeological) ceramics, bones, teeth, etc.
- Trace element determination and origin analyses of plants and plant raw materials
Material properties and processes
- Physical characterisation of material deformation and recrystallisation
- Optimisation of forming processes and material properties (metallic and geomaterials)
- Crystallographic phase determination of raw materials and materials
- Determination of other material parameters such as porosity, material hardness or viscosity
Get in touch with us!
Are you interested in writing your thesis in the field of geosciences, geochemistry, geology or materials science? Get in touch with us. We may have just the right thing for you.