Element analysis

We offer elemental analysis of solids and fluid samples for customers from industry, science/research and the private sector. Depending on your requirements, we can develop and offer customised analysis methods and strategies.

All materials consist of elements. These element samples are eligible to:

  • Characterize manufacturing and formation processes
  • Determine origin/provenance
  • Determine product authenticity/product adulteration
  • Characterize heavy metal contamination
  • Determine the water quality
  • Answer forensic questions

We offer you high-quality, scientifically recognised analysis methods and strategies in our qualified laboratory. If necessary, we are also happy to provide suggestions for customised analyses at your request.

Our methods

ICP-MS analytics

The analysis via ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry) is carried out on an iCAP TQe from Thermo Scientific©. For this analytical method, the samples - if they are not already in a fluid phase - are transferred into a solution using different digestion methods. With the help of ICP-MS, the smallest sample quantities can be analysed for a large number of elements (up to 69). To further enhance the results, the method can be combined with ICP-OES analysis.

Please contact us! We will be happy to advise you and provide an offer tailored to your needs.

ICP-OES analytics

As for the analyses on ICP-MS, the sample material is brought into solution with the help of various digestion methods, if necessary. In addition to ICP-MS, ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry) analysis also offers the possibility of simultaneously determining a wide range of elements (especially the main elements) in high resolution. We carry out the analyses with an iCAP Pro XP from Thermo Scientific©.

X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF)

For the analysis of solids - especially if they are difficult to bring into solution - the XRF method can be used. Depending on the method, either melt tablets or powder pellets are prepared from the sample material. Alternatively, spatially resolved XRF measurements can be carried out directly on the samples.

Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)

Both the PGAA and the NAA/INAA enable virtually non-destructive analysis of major and trace elements. The method is particularly suitable for the analysis of light elements (H and B) and trace elements such as Cd, Hf, the platinum group elements or the rare earth elements. They can be carried out on solids as well as liquid and even gaseous samples. Gamma rays are emitted and each emitted energy can be assigned to a specific element. PGAA and (I)NAA analyses are used in combination if required. The analysis is always carried out as a multi-element analysis and thus all detectable elements contained are also quantitatively determined.

Main applications of the method:

  • Multi-element analysis of complex materials that are difficult or impossible to digest chemically
  • Contamination or purity determination of materials with high purity requirements (raw materials, electronic components, etc.) 

Advantages of the method:

  • No need for chemical digestion of the material
  • Multi-element analysis, quantitative determination of all measurable elements contained
  • Very good parameter-dependent detection limits from pg/g or ppt

The PGAA/NAA analyses are carried out either at the research reactor of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) in Garching near Munich or at the LVR-15 reactor of the CVŘ Research Center Řež. We will be happy to advise you and develop the optimal analysis strategy for your requirements and questions.

Applications of element analysis

  • Geoscientific samples: rocks, soils, raw materials, salts, brine samples
  • Electronic components and their raw materials of all kinds (individual components)
  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Product authenticity/product counterfeiting, including individual components
  • Food: tea, coffee, drinking water
  • Museum and archaeological artifacts: ceramics, ivory
  • Metallic alloys of all kinds (checking of data sheets)
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