PGAA (Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis) & (I)NAA (Neutron Activation Analysis)

Both the PGAA and the (I)NAA enable virtually non-destructive analysis of major and trace elements. The method is particularly suitable for the analysis of light elements (H and B) and trace elements such as Cd, Hf, the platinum group elements or the rare earth elements. They can be carried out on solids as well as liquid and even gaseous samples. Gamma rays are emitted and each emitted energy can be assigned to a specific element.

  • PGAA and (I)NAA analyses are used in combination if required.
  • The analysis is always carried out as a multi-element analysis and thus all detectable elements are also quantitatively determined.

Main applications of the method:

  • Multi-element analysis of complex materials that are difficult or impossible to digest chemically
  • Contamination or purity determination of materials with high purity requirements (raw materials, electronic components, etc.) 

Advantages of the method:

  • No need for chemical digestion of the material
  • Multi-element analysis, quantitative determination of all measurable elements contained
  • Very good parameter-dependent detection limits from pg/g or ppt

The PGAA/(I)NAA analyses are carried out either at the research reactor of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) in Garching near Munich or at the LVR-15 reactor of the CVŘ Research Center Řež. We will be happy to advise you and develop the optimal analysis strategy for your requirements and questions.